Use your time to learn new skills.

As we know due to this pandemic many countries are lockdown. people are wasting their time in the social platform.


 It is better to use this time in a productive way by learning a different and interesting skill and to explore your capabilities.

 To learn skills and utilize the precious time some sites free their courses.

 Sites like: Coursera and


 1.  Spark starter kit

 2. Presentation skills secrets

 3. Amazon Web services

 4.programming for kids

 5. Power point for beginners

 6.digitally painting

 7. Guitar courses for beginners

 8. How to build wordpress website from scratch 2020

 9. Master the element of story

 10.get to know HTML Learn basic HTML

 And other courses:

 Udemy has 100+ courses for free.

 This courses are available for limited time and grab the opportunity.

 "Carefully read the instructions and enroll for course"because this courses are available in paid version where user find more option

 Make sure to enroll in this free courses and learn something new

 " Stay hungry stay foolish"
 - Steve jobs.